Firstly, although it seems like chaos, it really organized chaos. Everyone in the pit are rebelling together as a unified cohesive group of individuals.
Secondly, although it seems like everyone is pushing and shoving, the purpose is NOT, I repeat NOT to hurt those around you.
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pic from a site called punk dancing |
There are a series of unspoken rules to follow. These rules are what I like to call Mosh-Pit Etiquette. Keep in mind, when I say rules, many will think, well don't rules defeat the whole purpose? Well, not exactly, the rules I speak of are just good will towards fellow individuals rocking out around you.
- While you are jumping around, if you decide to push the person beside you ensure that you are using the palms of your hands. NOT your elbows, or fists.
- There is no reason to use your knees, or feet. Resulting in kicking people.
- Remember that not everyone at the show want to participate in the pit. Be respectful to the people in the outer pit ring. Do not try to push them into the pit, and if you fall into them ensure that they know you didn't do it on purpose.
- IF you are in the outer pit ring, do not get mad if someone falls into you, they likely did not do it on purpose. Additionally do not continually push people back into the pit. Sometimes the person in the pit has to get out for whatever reason. (it is already difficult to get out, without someone pushing you back in)
- Do not try to cop a feel, I am sure you feel smart if you do this but all you are doing is making someone feel very uncomfortable, and could potentially put a damper on their night out.
The next series of guidelines are the ones that you should live by, and should be an automatic response.
- IF someone falls, pick them up right away
- IF someone falls PICK THEM UP.
- If someone looks hurt, ask them if they are okay: if they are good continue to rock out with them, if they are not okay, help them out of the pit.
- IF someone drops something (glasses, shoes, etc) grab the person beside you create a ring around the person so they can safely bend down to pick something up
Don't be fooled. these unspoken rules are guidelines, there are many people who don't follow this, so be prepared.
Additionally, this is STILL a mosh-pit there is a good possibility you could get hurt, whether it is someones head connecting to yours, or a boot to the head when someone is crowd surfing.
BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING.Some tips and tricks. Listed on WikiHow, and from my own personal experience.
- Don't drink in the pit, leave that to the sidelines. A spilled drink can be detrimental to people's traction in the pit
- Stay Hydrated. Be prepared to buy a 4 or 5 dollar bottle of water. If you keep the bottle you can fill it up again from the taps in the bathroom. Trust me this will save your stamina, and the weight of your wallet.
- Know when you had enough. Don't push yourself too hard. IF you need to take a break there is no shame in that. Just calms walk out of the pit and watch from the sidelines.
- Keep your arms up, but elbows in. This creates a bumper to absorb hits going your way, and keeps your hands free to cover your face if need be.
- IF you find something on the ground, (shoes, wallets, etc.) it is customary to hold it up in the air. The person who lost it is likely looking for it, and is greatly appreciated.
- If you are a girl, keep in mind that no one will distinguish who you are, the hits will be the same male or female. My personal advice is to link up with a friend or a fellow female mosher. The added stability will definitely keep you from falling across the pit.
- note: to the males: don't think the girls can't keep up with you. some of the hardest moshers i know and came across are the girls.
- Ensure you wear the proper attire for this event. You will be pushed, pulled, smushed, people will likely accidentally step on your feet. so make the right call.
All in all a mosh-pit is a great experience, and what i like to call a "total body reset". It is a lot of fun, so please try not to ruin it for everyone by not following these unspoken rules. Trust me you will have a great experience.
There are many more tips, tricks, and warnings on the How to Mosh in a Mosh Pit on WikiHow
What I would like to know is what is your BEST and WORST mosh pit experience. (more often than not your best and worse might be the same situation). SO get writing.